Make it gay xxx boy

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And we’re already pleased to note that since this article was first published, we’ve been able to update with shows that provide even more LGBTQ+ representation. But, at least on some level, we're going to call any representation a win (even as we continue to hope and push for more LGBTQ+ main characters). There’s also more than one instance of characters whose sexuality or gender identity are hinted at, or only revealed towards the very end of a series. In many cases, LGBTQ+ representation comes as side characters or special guest stars. While many of these shows put queer characters and storylines front and center, others are a little quieter about it. But, the good news is, there are actually many shows out there (no pun intended!) to stream with your kids and we’ve gathered them all in one place for you!

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And if you’re looking for family-friendly entertainment with queer representation, that can feel like more of a mission. Let’s face it, finding LGBTQ+ representation on TV, in general, can be hard.

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